As I was walking away from the Temple of Artemis site, a dog appeared at the side of the road, it's tail low, and growled at me. I ran a couple of steps towards it and yelled and it flinched and retreated. Just then I heard a noise and turned around to see another dog running at me from behind. I took a few perpendicular steps backward so that I could see both dogs at once. By the time, both dogs had charged and converged in front of me, running towards me and barking. They were so close that I couldn't step forward without physically engaging them, so I was forced to keep backpedaling. While I ran backwards, I leaned towards the dogs and barked back at them at the top of my lungs. Instead of running straight backwards, I suddenly turned hard to the left, hoping that because they were so close that I could get behind them. This caused one dog to run into the other and they suddenly started fighting each other. The owner of one of the dogs appeared and broke up the fight. He must have seen at least part of what happened, because he said to me in a Turkish accent, "Sorry. No problem."